It might seem counterintuitive, but a High Volume, Low Speed (HVLS) fan can
significantly reduce your facility's heating costs.
How is this possible? During the cold months of winter, an HVLS fan can be run in reverse to draw air up instead of pushing it down. This reverse operation provides many benefits to facilities where heating costs need to be controlled.
Top 5 Ways HVLS Fans Reduce Heating Costs
1. Mixing Hot and Cold Air
Warm air rises naturally. So, even if your HVAC system is running at a high level, the air
probably isn't being evenly dispersed. An HVLS fan can de-stratify or mix the different
layers of warm and cold air in your building, to ensure that the heated air gets spread
around. De-stratification allows you to run your HVAC system at a lower level, which
uses less energy.
2. Complementing Your HVAC System
When it comes to HVAC systems and HVLS fans, you don't have to decide between
one or the other. In fact, HVAC systems work more efficiently when they are paired with
an HVLS fan. This is true whether they are being used for heating or cooling. HVLS fans
help amplify the effect of your HVAC system and decrease your energy costs.
3. Providing Precise Control
Some HVLS fans come with advanced controllers that allow the operator to precisely
set the fan speed as well as program run times. In facilities with multiple fans, they can
be daisy-chained together. This way the fans are conveniently controlled by a single
controller. Programming your fans ensures your temperature control system can
efficiently operate independently, and convenient controllers enable you to make
adjustments for sudden temperature shifts.
4. Lowering Maintenance Costs
Top-quality HVLS fans are built to last. They don't have as many complicated
components as HVAC systems, so it's less likely that they will break down after heavy
use. Even if something does go wrong, a quality HVLS fan comes with a thorough
warranty to offset the repair costs. The AVDX, for example, offers a 15-year mechanical
warranty. Lower utility maintenance costs mean lower heating costs in the long term.
5. Interfacing with Your Existing System
With an HVLS fan, there's no need to manage a separate system for climate control.
The best HVLS fans have technology that allows them to integrate into your current
system for managing heating in your building.
The Bottom Line on HVLS Fans and Heating
Fans probably aren't the first things that come to mind when you think about heating,
but HVLS fans can be valuable in the winter. An effective HVLS fan will lower the cost of
heating your space and help you keep everyone at a comfortable temperature.
JSO'Will is an authorized HVLS fan dealer for Macroair serving the greater Seattle, Tacoma, Everett, Yakima, Spokane, and Portland areas.